Thursday, February 1, 2018

Social Media Cleanse: Day 2-3


Allow me to tell you about how my second day is going so far...

Let's begin with how I slept last night, I didn't. Due to the fact that I have erased all of my social media apps from my phone, I would've expected to get more sleep, right? Wrong. I rolled around in my bed for nearly three hours before I was able to get any rest.

I couldn't help but wonder if maybe someone was trying to contact me and thought I was simply ignoring their message or if they'd notice I've gone missing. I was wondering about what I would miss this week; I usually get all my news from Twitter. What if I get an interesting follower? It's really not that serious, but for some reason it kept me up.

I think I'm mostly concerned about the fact that I have gained a few followers from school and with the weekend coming up, what if they reach out and invite me somewhere? Will I be missing out on an opportunity to make friends? Again, making it a bigger deal than it needs to be.

Any who, due to my lack of sleep last night, I slept through my alarm and arrived to my first class a few minutes late. Luckily for me, so did my professor. I got there just as she was pulling out her attendance sheet.

Maybe today will be easier than yesterday, I have classes from early morning until later this evening. I saw a poster of an open mic performance occurring tonight, I probably would have missed it had I been buried inside my phone. So here is how I plan on my day going: Eat. Go to class. Eat, again. Binge-watch Younger. Go to the open mic. Sleep.

It's 12:41PM. Time to go eat.

6 hours later...
Due to my lack of sleep, I found myself struggling to get through my three-hour class. I mean normally that would be difficult for anyone because who has an attention span that lasts that long really? Though, I have quite the eccentric professor so it's difficult to find yourself bored in that class. I just couldn't wait for it to be over tonight. Any who, I just had my dinner and I finally got started on that pile of laundry I'd been putting off for about two weeks now. Let's see if I actually finish it.


Ok, so I didn't wind up going to the open mic but I'm not upset about it. I was able to get two weeks worth of laundry done. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get to it, I mean it had been hiding under my bed for quite some time. It was quite a productive  night, I feel. I completely forgot that after the clothes is done washing, you actually have to fold it. Fun.

Day 3

I would like to think that last night was a pretty productive night. I didn't even get the chance to upload my post last night which is why I chose to combine both yesterday and today's posts together. This was morning I had a similar struggle waking up as I had yesterday morning. I thought it might be a great idea to put my phone on the opposite end of the room so when my alarm went off I'd actually have to physically climb in and out of bed. Literally, I have to climb in and out of bed because it is that high. Did I outsmart myself this morning? Absolutely not. I got in and out of bed three times to turn off my alarm, still managed to oversleep. I truly am amazing.

This has been quite an interesting morning already. The barista, the poor barista, let a huge blob of spit slip out from his mouth while he was speaking to me. He was so embarrassed, but quite honestly, it happens. Just as long as he didn't spit inside my hot cocoa, I'll survive.

It's lunch time, for me, and I'm quite surprised. I have not found my thumb luring over to where my social media  apps were previously located. I woke up and started reading some sports news and watching some basketball highlights from last nights game. I'm quite proud of myself. Since I wasn't nose deep into my phone I actually had a conversation with one of the school chef's as she prepped my meal. Let me tell you, I saw the portions she had given everyone else, but she definitely packed my plate. This phone cleanse might just be the best idea I've had in a while.

Ok. Tomorrow I have a day off and I finished all four seasons of Younger, what am I supposed to do now? This could be a good thing, maybe I'll actually go to the gym tomorrow. I mean, I did just get done doing some at-home workouts with a good mixture of what I would call yoga.

I won't lie, I nearly relapsed. This has never happened before but I actually might be addicted... Or it could have to do with a certain someone. Point is, I caught myself nearly downloading Snapchat. I was getting some slight anxiety, but I said I would last a week so I will go an entire week without my social media. Not to get ahead of myself or anything but I thought maybe I could try this again in the future, but this time keep my social media apps on my phone and test my ability to restrain from actually checking them. We're talking a whole different ball game, but let's first see if I actually make it to Tuesday, shall we?

This is getting quite interesting, I'm actually experiencing withdrawals. I need to go to bed, this is too much.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Social Media Cleanse


After however many months, I am back...

Here's what's knew since I last posted. I got accepted into a University where I can now begin studying fashion. I'm on my own, living on-campus now. I'll give more detail on that in another post.

As you already know from reading the title of this post, I decided to go on a social media cleanse. I've done this twice before, and it is absolutely liberating... for the two days I'm actually gone.
I was on Snapchat when an ex of mine posted a really funny comparison of his professor to the iconic Edna from The Incredibles. I asked him to please post it to Twitter so I could retweet it (in hopes it would go viral). See, I have this strange obsession with Twitter. I could do without Instagram and Snapchat, I'm not really interested in seeing every aspect of someone's life, nor do I care enough to share every aspect of my own. Twitter though, I most definitely have a weird obsession with trying to make people laugh at my bold and quirky tweets. My Twitter although has become more of a fake persona, like Joanne the Scammer. Most of the stuff I put out there are meant as jokes, although at times I would say, my alter ego does show out.

Now, when I asked my ex to upload this video he shared with me that he had deleted Twitter from his phone. For some reason, in that moment it felt inspiring. Ever since I got to college I have made no friends. Given, it's only been two weeks and I arrived during the Spring when most people have already made their friends since Fall. I was beginning to find comfort in just hiding in my room after classes and only leaving unless I had a class. So I told him, "I'm going to delete mine now," and I did just that. Of course he didn't believe I could do it, and me being the way I am, accepted that challenge.

Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter... Goodbye, for now.

Now, I say for now because although I could delete the apps from my phone, I don't think I could delete my profile altogether. I feel ashamed saying this, but I've spent years building my social media and it shouldn't matter but I don't have that much strength right now. Maybe one day.

The first two minutes...
I have already unlocked my phone to check Twitter.

1 hour later...
I keep finding myself going to the location where my Twitter app used to be and wanting to tweet about my social media cleanse. Seriously, what is wrong with me? On top of that, I was sitting on my toilet watching Younger from my laptop, wanting to Snapchat it. Then I started thinking about what the FBI agent watching me through my webcam thinks of me. Is he or she proud of me or disgusted that I'm watching TV from my toilet?

5 hours later...
Well, I have made it to the end of the night. I binge watched Younger for the last five hours, in order to distract myself, which I'm not quite sure is healthy either. I decided to call it a night after seeing this message appear and disrupt my show for the hundredth time.

Seriously, college wifi sucks.