Saturday, May 28, 2016

Intro: Who is Katie Mauve

Intro to my blog:

Let's get one thing straight, my last name isn't really Mauve.

I am an 18 year old girl with big dreams of becoming a personal stylist and eventually working my way up into starting my own line of clothes for women of ALL shapes and sizes. I am 4'9", so as you may have figured, finding clothes that fits just right is a little more on the difficult side. If you have tiny feet like me, you know how difficult it is to find heels smaller than a size 5(US) in women's. When you have short legs and large thighs, you know how annoying it can be to find pants that fit perfectly (without having to roll up the ends). We come in all shapes and sizes, but when we're not the shape or size of the "average" woman, it's nearly impossible to find clothes made specifically for us... Which is why I want to start my own line of clothing for women who share my same struggles.

When I decided to start this blog, I had just finished up my first year as a college student. Coming into college I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. Don't get me wrong though, because as most college students I struggle and wonder what the heck it is I'm actually doing! Also like most college students, I usually have about $3 in my pocket left lol.. So I will share with you my secrets to staying stylish for less!! Follow me into my sophomore year as I grow closer to my dream.

About my blog:

I can't really say my blog is about fashion because it is so much more than that. I don't have just one particular interest I want to share with you, though fashion, "natural home remedies", and makeup tutorials will be what I do circle around the most. My interests include fashion, natural home remedies, dancing, and working out.

(I also love penguins, but I probably won't be sharing that on here so no worries!)

So join me so I can share with you my style and other interests. Also, please feel free to comment on my blog so I can learn a little about you too!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and come back again \(^-^)/

**Katie Mauve, aspiring personal stylist**

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