Monday, September 19, 2016

Beauty Tips/Advice: Dark Underarms

Secret to Brighter Underarms

Hey there Loves!

For the longest time ever I was extremely insecure about my underarms, as I know a lot of people are, because of my dark armpits. It didn't feel like it should be a big deal but it was to me. It prevented me from wearing halter tops out in public or anything that showed off my underarms. I just wasn't having it. It really sucked because I would see other girls wearing what I wanted to but they didn't have to worry about what people might think of their underarms.

So after extensive research on how to brighten my underarms I came across bleaching (Which I don't believe in using on my skin but ended up using anyway and it didn't end up helping at all); I tried natural remedies as well such as rubbing potato or lemon juice under my arms (also a bust); and baking soda... Nothing really helped.

I began to lose hope until one day I made a miraculous discovery... Baby powder.

It's crazy, I would've never thought! Literally all you need is a razor, baby powder and your underarms..

What you do:
  1. Take the baby powder and rub it under your arms
  2. Take the razor and shave as you normally would.
(DO NOT wet your underarms or the razor)
**Also, you don't need shaving cream.**

After I first tried this I noticed a huge difference. But side note, everyone is different.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with your body and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having dark underarms. I just personally didn't like it on myself. But remember you're all beautiful, dark underarms or not.

I hope this beauty tip works for you the way it worked for me. Now you all have a wonderful day loves🌸

Thank youuuu,
K. Mauve♥

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