Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rhinestone Choker Review

Chokers By Sophab Review

"Princess" ($50.00)

In the most recent years a ton of things have made a comeback from mom jeans to overalls similar to the ones you wore as a child. This summer brought back chokers, something we all thought was left behind in the 90's. People have got pretty creative when it comes to chokers, anything from velvet to satin chokers and more.

Recently, I bought a couple of rhinestone chokers that I have made the signature piece to all of my outfits. I really never leave my house without one. It's just become my favorite accessory and I was never really much of a jewelry person, until now.

First lets start off with where I got my beautiful handmade chokers. The beautiful @Sophab_ on Instagram has been selling them on her website http://www.chokersbysophab.com/.

Her chokers are a bit pricey, going up to $50 but I can see why when they're handmade. It takes a ton of time and effort to make them all on her own. On the bright side you don't pay for taxes or shipping. So basically you're not only paying for the choker but for the labor as well.

The chokers are all so beautiful. The only downside is that 2 out of the 3 chokers I ordered did break when I first tried them on. When you're paying $50 for something the last thing you want to see is it break. Though in the end, I did find a way to fix them.

My Experience:
In total, I ordered three chokers spending somewhere around $146. Now I did have a couple questions about my order so I did contact the seller and much to my surprise she responded pretty fast, even when I emailed her later on about my chokers breaking. She was kind enough to offer to send the materials I would need to fix the chokers so I thought that was extremely considerate of her.
Now when I first got my chokers I was excited. They were just so beautiful I couldn't wait to try them on. The chokers I bought were the "Sirius", "Atlantis", and "Arctic" chokers. Surprisingly, I even got a little gift, a free choker worth $38.
I had absolutely no issue trying on the Atlantis choker at first but as the week went by the choker started falling apart just slightly. It didn't break off completely as the necklace was still intact but I felt concerned it may fall apart as time went by. In the end I fixed it with a little glue and all was good. When it came to my Sirius choker, there weren't enough jump rings to comfortably put on the choker. The clamp broke off but all in all, none of the chokers were completely destroyed. The choker I usually wore everyday was the Arctic choker. It's so beautiful, luckily this one was extremely sturdy, the only issue being that because It was made from a different material it turned my neck a slight greenish color. This could easily be avoided by applying a light coat of clear nail polish before trying it on.
Obviously as I mentioned earlier, when you're spending a great deal on something you want it to stay intact but they were all easy fixes and in the end I was still happy with my purchases. I will still be purchasing off the website again because she is extremely talented and her chokers are all so unique so I definitely would recommend to a friend in the end.

"Sirius" ($46.00)
"Atlantis" ($50.00)
"Arctic" ($48.00)

Thank you as always,
K. Mauve♥

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

OOTD: Casual Summer Breeze

OOTD: Somewhere Between Summer & Autumn

Hi there my loves, I hope you're all having a wonderful day!

On this day I had taken a trip down to Philly to visit The Magic Gardens and it was a pretty windy day but the sun was out and shining bright as ever. At this point it was still summer but it was the perfect weather to wear my mauve bomber jacket from Forever21. I decided to sport a cute black halter top with a pair of light wash jeans and my Thea Nike Air Max in white.

My blog is all about finding beauty for less, so no need to worry because I've got your back!
This is how you could recreate this look easy and simple without spending so much:

Halter top:

ANY old black halter top (even one made from old leggings) will do! If you don't have one, no worries, you can find them easily anywhere for as little as $3.

Link to halter below-


In reality any solid colored jeans would work but I prefer the lightwash look because it just compliments the shoes nicely. I like to wear mine with the bottoms folded up but that part is completely optional and is all about preference. Jeans nowadays are expensive but luckily F21 doesn't overcharge for no reason which is why I enjoy shopping there myself.

Link to Light wash jeans:
$15 (F21)
$24.90 (F21)
$24.90 (F21)
$15 (F21)


Honestly any old white shoes are fine, they don't have to be $90 and they can even be an off color white. Whatever sneakers you have lying around in your closet you can wear with this outfit. If you have white vans, white tennis shoes, keds or just off brand white sneakers go ahead and pair them along with this outfit and you'll be absolutely fine!

Bomber Jacket:

Now this last piece is the most important, it's what brings the entire outfit together. I love my bomber jacket and look forward to fall just so I can wear it all over again. I got mine from F21 for $30 which at the time I thought was a bit pricey because I didn't have a job, though now it doesn't seem all that pricey. Everyone has a different situation though or maybe you're just frugal like myself so if that's the case there is a similar one from Missguided going for $16 RIGHT NOW. The link to the bomber jacket in my picture will be down below along with the link to the less expensive version.

$29.90 (F21):

$16 (Missguided):

Now in this picture I'm wearing my signature handmade rhinestone choker. This part isn't mandatory but a nice piece of jewelry always adds a little something to any look. I decided not to wear any other pieces of jewelry because I feel as though the combination of the bomber jacket and the choker both speak for themselves. I also didn't want to flush out the attention the choker drew to my collarbone by wearing an excessive amount of jewelry (which is never a good idea).

**If you'd like to know more about where I got my choker I'll be going more into detail about that in my next blog post.

Once again, thank you so much for visiting my blog!

Until next time,
K. Mauve♥

Monday, September 19, 2016

Style For Less:

♦•Crisscross Crop Top•♦

Hey beauties, I'm back with another Style For Less!

So this summer I saw a lot of these tops becoming very popular and they're so cute but I've seen them go up to $24+ on websites like Missguided, Tobi, etc. Now as you may already know my blog is all about beauty for less. I really don't believe in spending more than $13 on a shirt, it'd have to be a really nice top for me to spend so much (and even $13 is pushing it).

One day while I was browsing around online I came across this website called Zaful.com and I'm so glad I stumbled across this little website. Now don't get me wrong, it looked kinda sketchy because none of the pictures were originals. They were all Tumblr-esque images, stuff I see on other fashion pages. I decided to take the risk and I ordered this top along with a cute little swimsuit.

After making my first purchase I started feeling slightly nervous because the last time I bought something from a weird website like this they sent me the ugliest dress made of dollar store material. It was truly traumatizing.

Let me tell you, I was not at all disappointed with my purchase from Zaful. For one, the top was only $11.49! The material definitely  didn't look like dollar store material and I swear it's just as good as anything you'd get off these other expensive-for-no-reason stores.

Me Styling My Top From Zaful
I don't know much about their other stuff but I can vouch for this top. I will definitely be purchasing from them again and I will most definitely keep you all posted! Hope you all enjoyed this new Style For Less

Link to the top:

Thank youuu,
K. Mauve♥

Beauty Tips/Advice: Dark Underarms

Secret to Brighter Underarms

Hey there Loves!

For the longest time ever I was extremely insecure about my underarms, as I know a lot of people are, because of my dark armpits. It didn't feel like it should be a big deal but it was to me. It prevented me from wearing halter tops out in public or anything that showed off my underarms. I just wasn't having it. It really sucked because I would see other girls wearing what I wanted to but they didn't have to worry about what people might think of their underarms.

So after extensive research on how to brighten my underarms I came across bleaching (Which I don't believe in using on my skin but ended up using anyway and it didn't end up helping at all); I tried natural remedies as well such as rubbing potato or lemon juice under my arms (also a bust); and baking soda... Nothing really helped.

I began to lose hope until one day I made a miraculous discovery... Baby powder.

It's crazy, I would've never thought! Literally all you need is a razor, baby powder and your underarms..

What you do:
  1. Take the baby powder and rub it under your arms
  2. Take the razor and shave as you normally would.
(DO NOT wet your underarms or the razor)
**Also, you don't need shaving cream.**

After I first tried this I noticed a huge difference. But side note, everyone is different.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with your body and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having dark underarms. I just personally didn't like it on myself. But remember you're all beautiful, dark underarms or not.

I hope this beauty tip works for you the way it worked for me. Now you all have a wonderful day loves🌸

Thank youuuu,
K. Mauve♥

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Beauty Review: VP Spin For Perfect Skin

Vanity Planet: Spin For Perfect Skin

Hey guys! So today I  decided to do a review on the oh so amazing "Spin For Perfect Skin" by Vanity Planet. From my intro I guess you can assume which way this review is going... YES, IT IS AMAZING!


First let me tell you why I decided to buy this in the first place...
Last year I went about 6 months without wearing any type of makeup to promote natural beauty. At first it was only supposed to last the month of November (No Make-up November). In the beginning my skin looked tired and unhealthy, luckily I didn't have an acne problem (maybe one or two  pimples every once and awhile on my forehead or chin), but from wearing makeup all the time, my skin suffered. I decided to stop wearing makeup and the first few days were hard. After a few days I tried some natural home remedies that really made a difference. People actually thought I gave up and started wearing makeup again, but I wasn't (though I'll share those secrets another day).
So after six months of being makeup free, my skin looked amazing! ...Then came prom, graduation and college. I wanted to look good for these so I started wearing makeup every single day again. My skin still looked nice but not as much as it did before because I wasn't giving it time to breathe...
A few months later my bestfriend, who did seem to struggle with her skin, showed me this product she was using and I saw it made a significant difference in her skin so I decided to test it out for myself. I went out and bought the same product... BIG MISTAKE!

This product completely messed up my face! It was very unfortunate because it worked wonders for her but completely destroyed my once nearly perfect skin. I broke out all over, even on my cheeks (where I had never had acne before). Not only did I break out, my skin started peeling and I couldn't even laugh because it had dried the corners of my mouth so much so that if I even smile too hard it would crack.

I used to be able to leave my house confidently without makeup, but after trying the product my friend told me about, I was left crying myself to sleep at night. None of my home remedies were working, or if they did, they didn't do much... My skin looked horrendous.
So after about three months, I began to lose hope of ever getting my perfect skin back. It just wasn't happening for me... Until one day, about a week and some change ago, I came across this YouTube video. This girl with perfect skin was reviewing VP's Spin For Perfect Skin combo. At first I was discouraged because it costs $100, but as I got towards the end of the video she shared a discount code that would allow anyone who used it 70% off... Basically, I got this amazing product sent to me by the heavens for $30, but had I known the wonders it would do I would've easily dropped the $100 (If I had the money lol).

**Coupon Codes at the End**


To start off this review I have to mention how fast this product arrived on my doorstep. I ordered this product just a few days before prom. Normally when I order something online I begin to track my order (because I get excited). I can't remember exactly how many days it took to arrive but I do know it arrived the morning of prom and it arrived so quick that I didn't even get the chance to track my order online. If I had to estimate, it definitely took less than a week to arrive, no more than 5 days.

VP's Spin For Perfect Skin system does take 4AA batteries and it doesn't include them in the package but it's not really an issue because AA batteries aren't expensive as well as the brush system so you're not going to break the bank.

The product includes the Spin for Perfect Skin handle (which comes in six different colors, shown below), along with four attachments: Cleansing brush, Exfoliating brush, Body brush, and a Pumice Stone.
(Lucille Green, Strawberry Ice, Frosted Blue, Lavender, Midnight Black, Sandstone)

The handle is set to spin at one constant speed in a circular motion so it does all of that for you and all you have to do is move it around your face.

Now, I haven't had this product for much time but I've had it long enough to honestly say I love it. It isn't harsh on the skin because it is made with ultra-soft bristles, for people with sensitive skin. It's truly done wonders for my skin, you can't even tell that less than a month ago I was struggling with my skin. It has definitely cleared my face of previous breakouts and I haven't had another one since using this product. After each use my skin is left feeling healthy and refreshed. It's even begun to lighten up my acne scars. I would most definitely recommend this product to anyone struggling with their skin or suffering from a breakout. Another reason I have to love this product is that it's so inexpensive and it brings so much. It'd be crazy not to take advantage of this product.


Cleansing Brush: This brush is soft and small. It is meant to be used on your face. I normally use it every morning and sometimes at night after washing off my makeup. I normally start by washing my face with warm water (then patting it dry). After my face is dry and I have opened up my pores I pour some honey onto the brush (because honey is a natural cleanser), and go about it in small circular motions around my face. Once I feel I have covered my entire face I let it sit for a minute then wash off my face with warm water then finish off with cold water and pat my face dry with a clean towel.

Exfoliating Brush: This brush is made of synthetic bristles. The Cleansing Brush and Body Brush remove superficial dirt and debris from the skin, while the Exfoliating Brush uses pliable bristles to break apart dead, hardened skin cells. These skin cells could contribute to breakouts if not removed. This brush keeps your face fresh and clean. I would recommend using this brush 1-2 a week and never back to back.

Body Brush: This brush is basically a bigger version of the cleansing brush, just for your body. You could use this brush in the shower with the body wash of your choice. It could be used anywhere on your body that you may suffer from acne. For most that would be ones chest or back. This brush could be used everyday or maybe a few times a week.

Pumice Stone: "best suited to exfoliate the calloused, cracked skin on your heels. This attachment is not meant to be used elsewhere on the body. If you wish to use it on other heavily calloused areas of the body, speak with your dermatologist first...".

Shipping:   ♥♥♥♥♥
Price:      ♥♥♥♥♥

Efficiency: ♥♥♥♥♥

So is this product worth it? For sure.
&& right now they are having a site wide sale with great deals!

As promised, coupon codes below(70% off):

"24LUXE"          Sarah Ordo (YouTube)

"ALYRA70"      AlyraTV (YouTube)

"SB24SPIN"      Stealing Beauty (YouTube)

"spinwithnuz"    Makeup Magic With Nuts (YouTube)

"egspin"             Emily Grace (YouTube)

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  * 

I hope you guys do try this product out and that it works wonders for your skin as it did mine.

Thank youuuu,
K. Mauve♥

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Style For Less: DIY Halter Top

DIY Halter Top Out of Leggings!

Hey there! So, last summer halter tops became very popular and everyone was wearing them. Last summer I was also broke after prom and paying for my graduation cap and gown lol, so I didn't really want to spend anymore money, not that I really had a choice.
I found an inexpensive and FUN way of getting a halter top spending little to NO money, so I thought I'd share it with you! Everything you'll need you probably already have at home (I mean honestly, what girl doesn't own a pair of leggings)?

Materials You'll Need:
  • 1 pair of leggings
  • scissors
  • Sewing machine (or you could stitch by hand)
  • pins

1) The first thing you will be doing is laying your leggings down on a flat surface making sure the sewing on the sides are lined up like this:

2) The second step is to cut. You want to begin your cut mid-thigh length and cut straight horizontally HALF way. Once you've reached the middle you want to cut out an arch (making sure to cut out the crotch area for equal sides), because this is what creates that "halter" shape. Incase you are confused, just follow the diagram below:

3) By the time you reach step three you should have two articles from the leggings. Be sure to save the leg part because we'll be using that later on to create the draw string. Then grab the piece that you cut from the mid-thigh section and pull the middles apart then lay it flat on a surface. You should have the following "halter" top shape:

4) Turn the halter top INSIDE OUT and around on its back side and begin hemming the back of the halter top by rolling it two times and securing it with a pin like so:
You want to hem all around the halter top EXCEPT the neckline because that will be the LAST thing you sew

5) Now it's time to begin sewing! When you begin to sew you want to do it an inch away from the neckline to leave room for the draw string. As you go along you can remove the pins. You could sew either by hand or using a sewing machine (which I would recommend if you want a faster finish and cleaner stitch).

6) Once you've sewn all around you may begin hemming the neckline (making sure it's big enough in able to insert the draw string). After hemming the neckline begin sewing. Make sure you don't close the opening's on the two ends and that you don't sew the hole too tight or else you won't be able to insert the draw string.
Courtesy of Injoyy
7) Grab the extra articles from earlier and follow the diagram below (beginning from the bottom of the leg and working your way up).

**Step 8 is either/or**
8a) Once you've done your cut you could just stretch out the material.

8b) Once you've done your cut, stretch the fabric and hem together the drawstring. Then sew it to create a cleaner/more finished look.

9) Insert the drawstring into the neckline hole by securing one end with a safety pin and pushing it through the hole. Now you are finished!

You should have a halter top by this point and it should look a little like this:

So I hope you guys had some fun doing this inexpensive DIY & hopefully it was easier to do for you than it was to explain lol... If you did try this out please feel free to share your pictures with me :)

Thank youuuu,
K. Mauve♥

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Intro: Who is Katie Mauve

Intro to my blog:

Let's get one thing straight, my last name isn't really Mauve.

I am an 18 year old girl with big dreams of becoming a personal stylist and eventually working my way up into starting my own line of clothes for women of ALL shapes and sizes. I am 4'9", so as you may have figured, finding clothes that fits just right is a little more on the difficult side. If you have tiny feet like me, you know how difficult it is to find heels smaller than a size 5(US) in women's. When you have short legs and large thighs, you know how annoying it can be to find pants that fit perfectly (without having to roll up the ends). We come in all shapes and sizes, but when we're not the shape or size of the "average" woman, it's nearly impossible to find clothes made specifically for us... Which is why I want to start my own line of clothing for women who share my same struggles.

When I decided to start this blog, I had just finished up my first year as a college student. Coming into college I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. Don't get me wrong though, because as most college students I struggle and wonder what the heck it is I'm actually doing! Also like most college students, I usually have about $3 in my pocket left lol.. So I will share with you my secrets to staying stylish for less!! Follow me into my sophomore year as I grow closer to my dream.

About my blog:

I can't really say my blog is about fashion because it is so much more than that. I don't have just one particular interest I want to share with you, though fashion, "natural home remedies", and makeup tutorials will be what I do circle around the most. My interests include fashion, natural home remedies, dancing, and working out.

(I also love penguins, but I probably won't be sharing that on here so no worries!)

So join me so I can share with you my style and other interests. Also, please feel free to comment on my blog so I can learn a little about you too!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and come back again \(^-^)/

**Katie Mauve, aspiring personal stylist**